Some AA Slogans...

Image result for bing pictures of AA slogans

Image result for bing pictures of AA slogans

Easy does it

First things first
Live and let live

But for the grace of God

Let go and let God

This too shall pass

Keep coming works if you work it

Stick with the winners

Sobriety is a journey ....not a destination

Faith without works is dead

If God seems far away, who moved?

Turn it over

We are only as sick as our secrets
There are no coincidences in AA

Be part of the solution, not the problem
 Image result for bing pictures of AA slogans

One step at a time..
Wonderful things happen..
One Hour At A Time
Image result for bing pictures of AA slogansKeep an open mind
Willingness is the key
More will be revealed
You will intuitively know
Don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens
Some of us are sicker than othersRelated image
Alcoholism is an equal opportunity destroyer
Practice an attitude of gratitude
The road to sobriety is a simple journey for confused people with a complicated disease
God is never late
 90 meetings in 90 days...90/90
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I can only carry the message, I can't carry the drunk!
Seven missed meetings makes one weak
and my personal favorite ... The elevator is broken; take the steps.

There are, of course, many more AA slogans in use among Alcoholics Anonymous members.

Individual groups have their own favorites or even coin their own slogans.

Why does AA use these Slogans?

Alcoholics Anonymous might be well known to most people in the United States. However, the same definitely cannot be said of the slogans they use and the ins and outs of their all-important serenity prayer.

Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA for short, uses a large number of rather catchy slogans in the process of their program.

Many outside the program of AA might find a lot of these sayings banal and rather folksy.

Yet, these slogans not only inspire those participating but also serve to create a sense of belonging and togetherness.

By using these AA slogans, everyone involved in AA feels that they belong and this togetherness helps them greatly in the rehabilitation process.

When you first attend an AA meeting you will be struck by the amount of times such slogans are mentioned.

Also, if you take a look around the room/hall where the meeting is taking place you will see such slogans plastered all over the place.

The reason being to give encouragement to people in their battle against alcoholism.

Common Elements of AA Slogans

One thing is clear to us just by looking at the above list. AA slogans very much place a great emphasis on 3 things:

  • The first is a belief in God to help you.
  • These slogans also emphasize how important it is to take the first step and know that it is the correct one.
  • AA slogans motivate you to constantly hang in there and not let your efforts go to waste.

These 3 things are actually very much in line with AA’s fundamental principles.

Common AA Slogans

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